Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow..."

Daddy took Gabe to the Zoo on Feb. 7, I took him the day before. I think he had a good time looking at the animals and bonding with his daddy.

9 Months!

Daddy took Gabe to get his 9 month pictures taken. He loves the camera. I can't believe how big he has gotten. He loves to stand, but not on his own yet. He likes to "crawl" backwards. He pushes backwards onto his knees and sits down. He won't go forward yet, but it is a matter of time before he realizes he can. He's been saying mama and dada for almost 2 months now. He says mama when he is mad or sad. But dada when he is happy. Oh well.

Bubble With Ammy

I just thought these pics were cute of Gabe in the tub. Papa, Ammy, and Aunt Sarah were down to visit and Ammy gave Gabe his bath. He absolutely loves bathtime.


There was a beautiful day in January and I took Gabe outside to use his swing for the first time. He wasn't sure about it at first, but now he really enjoys it.


This was when Gabe was 8 months old and started clapping his hands. This video is funny. He claps at the beginning, but then he gets excited and flaps his arms.

Practice Makes Perfect

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. We have been really busy. The holidays came and went and I think we are finally done playing catch up. This is a video of Gabe walking behind a toy (or at least trying to walk). This was taken when he was 7 months. As you can see he doesn't quite get it, but daddy wanted him to try.