Friday, September 12, 2008

Where's Noah?

This is Dan standing in our front yard (SE corner). The water is knee deep. Do you notice the silver thing in the yard, that is the well which is about 1.5 feet high!

Here is Dan in the street in front of our house it is about half way up his calf. Doesn't he look excited! Just kidding!

This is what our backyard looks like from the road. Can you see the flower bed along the fence anymore?

Here is what our Southeast corner looks like. Again can you see our flower garden around the tree! And it was built up over 8 inches from the ground!

Poor Franke and Mayce, I guess they wanted a waterbed! The water wasn't in the house yet, but after a few more hours the cedar chips were washing out!

This is video of our frontyard. Dan shot this about 1:45PM. It wasn't done yet!

This is video I shot about 4:00PM in our backyard! I feel like we should have a draw bridge to go with our new moat!


Tessa said...

Yikes! I hope nothing came in the house! Can you believe all the rain yesterday???

thebiggsfamily said...

Crazy! I can't believe we got so much rain.

Andy/Cara said...

Dan you look so excited in the top picture.... Glad everything turned out okay. Gabe's getting soo big!!!
Love you guys.